A Great Power and a Greater Gift

Feb 28, 2024    Pastor Mark Schutz

There is no such thing as holy water. The water used in Baptism did not come from a magic fountain or mystical lake. It came out of the tap. Yet, Baptism consists of more than just water. It is water combined with God’s Word. And God’s Word is powerful! God’s Word is the tool the Holy Spirit uses to create and strengthen faith—faith that connects us to Christ’s death and resurrection. Thus, when you witness a baptism, you are witnessing more power being unleashed than you see in a flash of lightning. You are witnessing a power that can take that which is dead and make it alive.

God uses this savior power on us, but not because we deserve it. Because of our sins, we deserve nothing from God but punishment and pain. But our God is merciful. He spares us from the pain we deserve. And our God is gracious. He gives us countless blessings we do not deserve. This week, we marvel at the blessing of Baptism—a great power and greater gift.