Just as we need food to nourish our bodies, we need food for our souls. God has given us his Word, which he tells us is living water. We gather together around this living water every Sunday morning at 9:00. During this hour you and your children will hear a message of real hope for real life - a message from God's lips to your heart, so that you may always be sure of his forgiveness and love. You will have the opportunity to hear and participate in music with a meaningful message, prayer, and thanksgiving.

Bible Study
After worship, we gather together for fellowship with visitors and friends, and at 10:30 Bible study begins. We believe that God's powerful Word accomplishes his will in us.

Bible 101
Whether you are new to the faith or looking to review what Scripture teaches, Bible 101 is a great place to start. No previous Bible knowledge is needed! Your questions are welcome! Pastor Schutz is also willing to study with you one on one or in a group, at Hope or in your home. Get in touch to find a time to meet!

Pastoral Care
Our pastor is not a psychologist, but he does have training as a counselor who uses the Bible. Our pastor welcomes the opportunity to provide a marriage enrichment course to any couple thinking about or planning to get married. If you are in the hospital or going through any trial in your life, Pastor Schutz also welcomes the opportunity to visit you and provide comfort and direction from God's Word. Please feel welcome to contact Pastor Schutz if there is anything he can do for you.
Pastor Mark Schutz
Phone: (605) 722-3857
Email: pastorschutz@hopelutheran.us
Pastor Mark Schutz
Phone: (605) 722-3857
Email: pastorschutz@hopelutheran.us
Vacation Bible School
Our summer Vacation Bible School is offered in early June. We are honored to support you in the work of teaching your children about their Savior, Jesus. Check out some of our 2024 VBS highlights by clicking the button below.
Global Outreach
Hope is a congregation that belongs to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), a national church body that supports worldwide mission and relief work. We also walk together as a synod to train missionaries, pastors, teachers, and staff ministers, as well as to publish biblical materials in many different languages. Currently the WELS supports mission work in 30 countries and has churches in all 50 states. It is a great blessing to be a part of a denomination that has a passion for reaching more and more people with the truth of God's Word. To find out more about our church body, follow the link to the WELS website.