Stories by the Sea VBS 2023
Day 1: God Saves Noah
We learned about how God saved Noah and his family and kept his promise to bring us a Savior. Noah trusted the Lord and listened to his Word even when the world around him didn’t. So, he did as God commanded and built an ark to save his family and all the different kinds of animals God sent to him. God placed a rainbow in the sky as a reminder of his promises to us.
These are some of the activities we enjoyed on day 1!
The younger and middle kids made mixed-media pictures of the ark, and the older kids made rainbow window stars to remind them of the sign of the rainbow God gave as he promised never to destroy the whole world with a world-wide flood again.
The kids played animal charades, guessing games, and a rainbow bean bag toss.
The younger kids experimented with mixing colors to remind them of the rainbow God made. The older kids measured out the dimensions of the ark outside to see just how large it was.
Day 1: God Saves Jonah
We learned about a prophet named Jonah. When God sent him to tell the Ninevites to turn from their sin to God’s mercy instead, he didn’t want to go. He fled in the opposite direction. But God loved the people of Nineveh, and he loved Jonah, so he turned Jonah around in an extraordinary way. The people of Nineveh finally heard God’s Word and believed.
These are some of the activities we enjoyed on Day 2!
The younger kids painted big fish with a surprise inside—take a peek under the fin! The middle kids made a pastel “Jonah in the fish” picture. The older kids designed and painted Japanese fish kites. These projects reminded the kids of the giant fish God used to save Jonah.
The younger kids enjoyed ocean animal movements. The older kids played “Sharks and Minnows” and whale milk jug toss.
All the kids watched short video clips about sharks and whales. The kids then enjoyed building “Nineveh” with wooden blocks, giant blocks, and plastic cups. The older kids created graph paper scale drawings of a human and different kinds of whales and fish.
Day 3: The Great Catch of Fish
We learned how Jesus gave his disciples a miraculous catch of fish. This was one of many instances that proved to his disciples that he was truly God. It also got their attention for an important mission he was calling them to—being fishers of men. God has called us to be fishers of men, too. You can join in on this amazing work with your child as you learn and share God’s Word together.
These are some of the activities we enjoyed on Day 3!
The younger kids made fish mobiles and the older kids made foil fish to remind them of the miraculous catch of fish and Jesus’ call for them to be fishers of men, too!
Everyone got a little wet with various water games and fish tag. The younger students caught sponge fish with little nets.
We had some fun stations for the little ones, including magnetic fishing poles and sensory bins. The older kids used fishing poles from the Outdoor Campus West to practice casting, as well as making prints with rubber fish.
Day 4: Jesus Calms the Storm
We learned about Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. The disciples were terrified, but Jesus reassured them of his power and love for them. We were reminded that Jesus loves us, too. As true God, he is more powerful than all that might threaten us in this life. We can call on him to help us at anytime and be confident of his love and help.
These are some of the activities we enjoyed on Day 4!
The kids made pictures depicting the storm Jesus calmed. They were reminded how Jesus calms the “storms” in our lives, too.
The kids enjoyed some favorite games and activities from the week. They also made prayer sticks. Please help your child write the names of friends and family members on the sticks, and use them to pray together for your family’s loved ones. Jesus hears and answers our prayers.
Younger kids played “Will it sink or will it float?” Older kids did a salt-water buoyancy test.
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