The Miracles of Jesus VBS 2024

Day 1: Jesus Turns Water into Wine

We learned how Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana. This was his first miracle, and it was one of many ways he showed that he is truly God. We have an amazing Savior. Being human like us, he understands our struggles and hardships. He is concerned about what we face every day, even the little things. Being truly God, he is powerful to care for us every day.

These are some of the activities we enjoyed on day 1!


The younger kids made water/wine jar paintings. The older kids made stained glass jars, which they will bring home tomorrow.  Both of these projects helped remind them of Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine!


Water play, jar-filling relays, and wedding dances reminded the children that Jesus’ first miracle took place at a wedding celebration.


The younger children made designs on clay jars. The older children made clay coil jars. The children also played with blue and red water beads that remind us of the water and the wine in our Bible story.

Day 2: Jesus Feeds the 5,000

We learned how Jesus fed over 5000 people with just two fish and five barley loaves. Even more important than food for our stomach is food for our soul. Jesus taught his disciples that he is the “bread of life.” Food sustains us for a little while, but Jesus is the one who washes away our sin and gives us eternal life.      

These are some of the activities we enjoyed on day 2!


The younger children made mixed media pictures of loaves and fish. The older children painted loaves and fish with acrylics on canvas.  They will need to dry overnight and will bring them home tomorrow.


The children ran through an obstacle course and found bread and fish at the end. The children also enjoyed various activities including magnetic fishing, “Bread, Bread, Fish” (like Duck, Duck, Goose), and relay races.


Our science activity today was baking bread from scratch! Your child will bring home their own loaf of bread to bake at home. See instructions with your child’s loaf on how to bake. Enjoy, and remember that Jesus is the bread of life!

Day 3: Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man

We learned how Jesus healed a man who was paralyzed and couldn’t walk. Jesus told the man that his sins were forgiven. Some who didn’t believe that Jesus was the Son of God grumbled and complained. Jesus showed them he was God and had the authority to forgive sins by telling the man to take up his mat and walk. Jesus healed him… body and soul. You can show your child that our help comes from the Lord by acknowledging his help in your life. As the maker of all things, he gives us the ability to think, live, move, and work.

These are some of the activities we enjoyed on day 3!


The children made picture frames decorated with rope to remind them of the ropes the man’s friends used to lower him down through the roof to Jesus.


We are thankful for the amazing bodies God has given us!  The youngest children did some fun exercises and enjoyed relaxing water play. The rest of the children enjoyed a relay race carrying stuffed animals on a blanket stretcher, and a hop-on-one-foot relay as well.


Our hands-on activity today was learning about first aid and practicing some basic bandage techniques.

Day 4: Jesus Raises Lazarus

We learned about Jesus raising his friend Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus had been dead in a tomb for four days. Jesus simply spoke and raised him to life, so he could get up and walk out on his own. Many who saw this miracle finally believed that Jesus was the Son of God. Not long after this, Jesus would lay down his life by dying on the cross. He, too would be put in a tomb, but a few days later, he would leave that tomb to prove to us all that he has power over life and death. Trusting in him, we look forward to Jesus raising us up on the last day, too.

These are some of the activities we enjoyed on day 4!



The children enjoyed some favorite games and activities from the week. They had fun with additional water play, too.


The life cycle of a butterfly is a common reminder of Jesus’ resurrection and his promise of our resurrection. The caterpillar hides in its cocoon, but then rises as something even more beautiful. All children worked on a butterfly life cycle project, remembering Jesus’ resurrection and his promise to raise us, too.